Sherborne Girl School
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Visit Us

An important step for most parents is a visit so you can see the School in action and meet the pupils and staff.

We would be delighted to welcome you at any time. You can either book one of our popular tours or arrange an individual visit. In both cases, the visit will include a tour of the School and an opportunity to meet senior members of staff.

To find out more and book your place on one of our events, please access the booking form via the links below:

Sherborne Boys Admission Events
Saturday 1 MarchTour Morning (10.00am - 1.00pm)
Saturday 17 MayTour Morning (10.00am - 1.00pm)
Saturday 14 JuneTour Morning (10:00am - 1:00pm
Sherborne Girls Admission Events
Saturday 22 MarchTour Morning (9.45am - 12.15pm)
Saturday 26 April Tour Morning (9.45am - 12.15pm)
Friday 9 MayTour Afternoon (1.45pm - 4.15pm)
Saturday 21 JuneTour Morning (9.45am - 12.15pm)
Sherborne PrepAdmission Events
Friday 14 MarchOpen Morning (10:00am - 12:00pm)
HanfordAdmission Events
Saturday 10 MayArt and Ponies Activity Morning
Saturday 17 May                             Open Morning (9.30am - midday)                                                                                
Saturday 11 OctoberOpen Morning (9.30am - midday)

