Sherborne Girl School
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The Sherborne Difference

The Sherborne Difference

The merger of the Sherborne Schools Group (SSG) was a strategic initiative to enable the schools to explore and harness more exciting possibilities for pupils and staff to work together, share facilities and resources, enhance the educational offering and leverage economies of scale.  Since that time, we have been working on a more detailed strategy to achieve these aims.

We have considered the external factors, as well as our strengths, and how these can be re-imagined to create an identity and proposition for the Group that binds the schools together, while setting us apart from others.

We have set out a long-term ambition for SSG, defining its Purpose, Vision and Mission and identifying three Strategic Goals to help us achieve this. These are to:

  • deliver a transformational education;
  • ensure financial resilience and growth;
  • and develop and enhance our community culture.

In working through our plans, two key themes stood out across SSG: our belief in an individualised education and our commitment to character education (not just academic development).

Building on these unique partnerships and strengths, SSG is launching The Sherborne Difference; a visionary and transformational educational methodology designed to unlock the unique potential of every child.  

Core to The Sherborne Difference is our commitment to the personal development of each pupil and encouraging them to make a positive contribution to society, both at and beyond school. These are already key principles that underpin our educational philosophy across the Group, ensuring our pupils develop the character and disposition to be able to navigate and contribute positively to a rapidly changing world.  

The Sherborne Difference is underpinned by two core Pathways - Academic and Character Education; and the unique blend of options, experiences and support within these two pathways, tailored to each child’s needs and aspirations.   

The Academic Pathway reimagines teaching and learning strategies, drawing on latest innovations to deliver stretch and challenge for all abilities and learning styles. The Character Education Pathway focuses on personal growth and the development of intellectual, moral, civic and behavioural attributes such as critical thinking, integrity, citizenship and resilience. The schools’ extensive co-curricular programmes complement The Sherborne Difference, enabling pupils to cultivate interests, foster talents and develop transferable life skills.  

There is no doubt that the private education sector is under pressure with the imposition of VAT on school fees, but the schools of Sherborne are facing this head on. Our message is clear:  

Your child is more than their academic achievements. Your child is every triumph, every failure overcome, every experience, every opportunity. Your child is a compilation of every note played, every problem solved, every knee muddied, tear wiped, song sung, goal scored, line learned, lesson remembered, and friend made. Your child's future is the direct path from all of this; whether Oxbridge or headlining the Apollo, barrister or barista, rugby or running, trombone or triangle, fintech or the Foreign Office; whether business owner at 18, academic at 35, the same career for 50 years, ten in that time or three at once.  

The start is Sherborne: engaged, optimistic and excited by the future promise. The Sherborne Difference. 

Please revisit our website which we will update with a more detailed strategic plan in due course.
